
Week 36

Ready for the crazy that is picture for week 36? I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I'M PREGNANT. Well, at least that big pregnant. Sometimes I fool myself into thinking I just look a little fat instead of the hugely pregnant that I am. I am noticing more though how many people ask me how close I am, and most are surprised that I only have 3/4 weeks left. Wooooo.

I can't bend over very well and putting on shoes is the biggest pain ever. This snow blizzard we've had the last two days isn't very good for my shoe choice which consists of having to tuck my pants into boots or tie up my tennis shoes, both of which are exceedingly difficult tasks. I'm so lucky Josh can help me tie my shoes before I leave for school in the morning.

Still no heartburn, but I have crazy RLS (restless legs-a disease I used to make fun of but now I accept it's painful reality) that keeps me awake about half the nights of the week. Thankfully, foam rolling and stretching does help and I always get to sleep eventually.

Been doing some sorts of nesting stuff. Josh and I got a bookshelf/toy shelf for the nursery! It's one of the 3x3 square shelves that everyone has, but I've been wanting it since day one so I feel pretty accomplished finally having it. We're in the process of getting a crib (waiting for a 20% off coupon...come on Babies R Us) and I have to figure out what kind of bedding I want in it. The crib is a last minute decision as we couldn't decide between the pack and play or a crib. Thankfully we're not in a rush for the crib because we have the Williams bassinet for baby's first couple weeks/months. Other than some moving and setting up, I de-tagged a bunch of baby clothes to wash for Baby C's arrival. I can hardly believe it's 4 weeks away! Josh and I are finally signing up for our last minute 6 hour cram session of a prenatal class this Saturday. I reeeeally hope they still have openings.

Please excuse the random trains of thought...that's my brain on pregnancy hormones. I want to blog about how wonderful Thanksgiving was....I promise it's coming soon! Cheers! And may Baby C wait another 2 weeks.

OH YEAH and all my Christmas decorations are up. Pictures are sure to follow.


  1. many things:

    1- you look very nice and glowy pregnant

    2- mia slept in a bassinet for 6+ months before we got a crib, so I agree on the whole no need to rush thing.

    3- I am a big believer in the bassinet because I hardly lost any sleep during those first few weeks because I had her by my bed and could just pull her in the bed to feed her if I needed to and then return her to her bed without having to fully wake up and then make myself sleep again. It was awesome. And maybe dangerous? Mostly awesome.

    4- What exactly do they teach at those prenatal classes anyway?

    5- Unlike freshman year "at least i'm not pregnant" is hardly better than being in the snow. i hate you winter. but love you Christmas. And pregnancy = not so horrible.

    I could go on.

    But I won't. For you.

  2. So many exciting things going on in your life right now! You are such a cute pregnant lady. I wish I could see more of you. I can't believe he's coming so soon!

  3. You look amazing and I am glad that I can tie your shoes too.

  4. I can't can't can't believe the next time I'll see you you'll have a BABY. I do wish I could see you in big hugey state. I miss that. And leave your Christmas stuff up until I come!

  5. You look amazing! I love that you have Josh tie your shoes! That is great. I was still in flip flops at that point, which are WAY easier. I hope that you keep feeling good and little Baby C has patience until you are done with your finals, but then comes the moment that you are ready for him! We can't wait to see his cuteness in person very, very soon!

    P.S. Did we tell you the boppy and the baby bathtub (didn't know if you needed it, come to think of it, I think you had one...) are down in Abbey's attic waiting for you. I have another boppy cover, but have yet to locate it.
