
Time to meet Baby C

Alright, kids, are you ready?

That's right 3 out of 18 of you! IT'S A BOY!

We can hardly believe it! We were expecting a girl, all the way, but we are so excited to have a boy! It'll be the first boy in the Williams side of the family. My parents have all daughters (thus, I have all sisters) and we have 1 niece/granddaughter so Baby C will be the first boy. I told Josh we get to have a real baby Jesus in our Christmas nativity re-enactments now! Baby C will also have plenty of boy cousins on the Calvert side to be best friends with. We promptly went to Target (conveniently 4 blocks away from the hospital) after our ultrasound and bought a baby boy outfit. We've pretty much decided that for the first 3-8 months of Baby C's life he'll live in white onesies and sweatshirts so all the cutesy outfits will wait until he's old enough to start doing cute things. I also bought a set of Duplo Lego's (my FAVORITE!) even though he has to be 1.5 years to start playing with them. I guess it's just so crazy to have a gender assigned to our little baby.

More to come on the nursery and wardrobe planning. Love!
j & k


  1. Bring on the boys!!! We are excited for you! Daniel needs a buddy to play with that is closer to his age! Hooray for Baby C!

  2. Congratulations!!!! A little Joshua. We're happy for you both, I mean..... all THREE!

  3. a- hooray! congratulations.

    b- I was among the 3. go me.

    c- I believe in new babies wearing white onesies more than just about anything else.

  4. yay! I'm so excited for you guys. Target has the best baby clothes.
