
Highlights from the last weeks

- Brand new microwave! We made it 2 months (with 3 weeks of vacation) without having one in the house. Josh and I (but mostly Josh) got sick of washing our 3 pots every time we had to warm something up, so new microwave it is!

- Visit to California last weekend to see Adam and Emma. We went to the Kodak and Chinese Theatres and I saw Rupert, Emma, and Dan's handprints in the cement.

- My last Dr. appointment of the second trimester. The end of September marks my entrance into the third-most-dreaded-of-all-pregnant-women trimester.

- I'm taking a personal training class. It's seriously awesome.

- Halloween decorations are ready to come out, but I'm waiting until the first day of Fall.

- Calvert family dinner last night. We got to see Amber and Abbey's family's for the second time since April.

Things to look forward to?
- Adam is visiting this weekend, Natalie comes next week, and Mom and Dad come next weekend.

- I'm gonna post a baby bump picture soon, I promise.


  1. Good - you better! :)

    We didn't have a microwave the whole time we lived in Indiana. I feel your pain! But how awesome that mostly Josh has been washing those pots... :)
