
On a hilarious note

This is what I wore my first day back at school.

Do you notice anything wrong with this picture? Because I sure didn't until I got back home. Lucky for me, it was cold, and I wore my jacket all day anyway. Thank you, 4-days-post-delivery-and-5-hours-of-sleep brain.

Just in case you didn't notice, my shirt is backwards AND inside out.


  1. SO representative of life with a newborn. I think I am STILL wearing things backwards!

  2. And when you get goobered by spit up in public, turning your shirt inside out is a lifesaver!

  3. The shirt situation? Funny, I'll admit.

    The fact that you were wearing JEANS 4 days post-labor? MIRACULOUS.

  4. No worries. They're maternity jeans.

  5. Still...amazing.

    I have a pair (of maternity jeans) that I waited too long to wear for the first time, and by month 8, they were (way) too tight. (Imagine how thrilled I was when I figured that out...)

    But the real secret?? I've worn them countless times since I had Claire.

    Panel jeans forevvvvver!
