
What the day?!

So when I read baby wise and found out that Henry gets to take an hour to an hour and a half nap in-between feedings (like 7 a day) I was all excited that I'd actually have time to get things done! Like: blogging, writing cards, sending off baby announcements, skype, HOMEWORK AND SCHOOL. Nobody told me the mess I'd make taking care of the baby for the hour he's awake would take up the 1.5 hours of sleep to clean. Did that make any sense? Moral of the story is this: babies are messy and life is busier and at the same time less busy than I ever imagined.

Okay bye.


  1. Amen and amen! What happened to the TIME I thought I would have to fill up during the day?? Clearly, I was nuts :)

  2. I know - it's so funny to me how messy babies are. Because really, it's us who makes the mess—we get out their clothes, blankets, diapers, etc., and the next thing you know it has covered the house. Add to that the poopy diapers and the spit up on the carpet, and you've got yourself a full-time job! haha


  3. Ya I know exactly what you mean. That's why I stopped cleaning my house unless someone comes over :) And oh my goodness he is the cutest and getting to big! He's probably already bigger than Kenzie by now!
