
Growing, growing, growing

I figured I gotta blog before the 1 month mark of the last time I blogged, or before the 3rd month of Henry's life is over. Can you believe it's been 2 months? I have so many pictures to post and share and I haven't even told my birth story yet. I am so sorry.

Ready for Henry's growth chart?
Months 0, 1, and 2.

His list of accomplishments now are: almost holding his own head up, sleeping for 8 hours each night, smiling nearly on command, an almost laugh, wiggling and moving his arms and legs, not hating tummy time (sometimes), a small bald spot on the back of his head, and sleeping in a big boy crib. He is so freakin' cute. I never expected myself to be as in love with a small child as I am and I seriously believe he's the cutest thing to ever live. Blessing day was yesterday! You can look forward to a post about that soon since I have the pictures loaded anyway.


  1. I can't believe he was that little. I honestly hope he doesn't grow another inch.

  2. I wish I had done a growth picture like that each month! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up?!

  3. It's almost time for his 4-month! CAN'T WAIT.

  4. DON'T FORGET HIS 3-MONTH PICTURE. (Remember how I can't count?)
