
Giggle and Shout (the new twist and shout)

Our sweet little almost four month old started giggling yesterday, 4/25. He's been doing this adorable sucking in/breathing fast laugh thing for a couple weeks, but yesterday he actually giggled! I love it so much. I think world peace could be achieved if terrorists listened to more baby laughter. Ps. The giggle doesn't start until 20 seconds. Before that it's just screaming and me making noises.

Also, Josh and I are finished with school for the summer. And I finished American Heritage. And we're going home next week. And there's more exciting news in case you haven't heard. It deserves its own blog.



  1. That is so precious! Henry is such a cutie. I'm so excited to see him today!

  2. Baby giggles are the best thing in the world.
