
July 30, 2011

H.R.'s month 6: Looking back.
Henry is growing. He's starting to realize his limits, and trying to push them somewhat. He (inadvertently) falls over less and less when he's sitting up, and has become much more deliberate in his falls to get where he wants to be. You can see, here, he's trying to get my keys just out of reach.

Also, Henry looooooves things he's not supposed to have. He's content with his toys (sometimes) but he always chooses any other object he's not supposed to play with (ipod, scissors, stapler, calculator, etc) over his brightly colored toys. In fact, it's a miracle he hasn't been hurt by any of the "toys" he's gotten a hold of while we've been here. Henry is absolutely obsessed with a) the cell phone b) car keys and c) my glasses. If I'm not paying attention or (he's not paying attention to something else) when I'm holding him he'll grab my face with his razor sharp claws and put my eye/glasses into his mouth. It's cute, but terrifying.

He hasn't cut any teeth yet, but he sure likes chewing on things. His two favorite chew toys are knees and noses. Sometimes he'll eat the occasional frog.
Also, this month marked his first injury. Henry was sitting on the floor and face planted while his pacifier was in his mouth. He's fallen forward before, but this was just so sad because he not only bled, but he had a fat lip! Oh so sad. And so adorable. But so sad.
I am reeeeally excited to get back to Provo where Henry has his own crib and bed. For now Josh and I have been trying to keep Henry swaddled for convenience sake. He doesn't really have a place to sleep here and his pack'n'play isn't the best quality, so he sleeps much better on the floor. We don't want him just sleeping anywhere on the floor so the swaddling keeps him safe in the closet. However, frequently he gets his arms out and plays in the closet until I come and get him. Now, usually he just has his arms out and is pulling at the blankets, but this is what I found today...
Awwww. He even shoved his pacifier under the door so I knew he was ready to come out. He's just so hilarious without even trying. Did I mention that I love this kid?

Also, Henry is still scream-y. I've never blogged about it before, but this kid likes to scream. S.C.R.E.A.M. He's great at letting us know when he's annoyed or bored or mad because his piercing shriek can be heard all the way at the front door of the apartment building from our 3rd floor back apartment. I sorta hoped the screaming thing would go away with age, but, alas, it's here to stay. Maybe once he can use words?? But, I suppose his insane amounts of cute have to come with some sort of negative. I don't mind the screaming too much.

Lastly, H's nicknames:
H Rex
My little Henry! (the ladies next door)
Sugar buns
Chubby bunny
Rexy boy
Tiny face
Chewpacabra (my favorite)(and it's purposefully spelled "chew"pacabra)
and basically anything else we can think of. I probably call him Henry more than anything, but he does get a lot of other names. We are so happy with this little man, and I can't wait for the weeks, months, and years ahead!


  1. "he'll grab my face with his razor sharp claws and put my eye/glasses into his mouth. It's cute, but terrifying." Haha.

    I love him so much. I love you too.

  2. Just wait until the pointing and whining for everything stage. That's all Kenzie does. (And that's on top of the screaming)
