Hurray for more than one reason. #1- Henry is 5 months old! Though this is happy, it's also sad. My favorite baby is growing up. But he's adorable.
Hurray #2- My new card reader came! So look forward to a series of new blogs coming up.
Month 4 was great. I'm pretty late in the game for really getting a feel for Henry's personality, because I feel like it really started to show this month. Rex is a very happy baby. He's quick to smile when he sees me or Josh, and he's great about smiling back at strangers. Everyone finds him so charming, and though I think it has a lot to do with his adorable big bald head and chubby legs, I think it's the smile back that gets 'em. Henry isn't really a laugher which is sorta sad, but at the same time, I love his smile so much. And it's kind of fun to really work to get a laugh out of him. He started laughing when I make silly faces. It is ADORABLE. Henry is extra ticklish in the armpits and hips, so pretend gnawing on those ensure a baby giggle.
Henry likes to stand. It's near impossible to get him to sit like a real boy and he screams when we prop him up with pillows. He either likes to lay or stand. He also started liking tummy time. He is SO CLOSE to rolling over from his back to his stomach, and every once in awhile rolls from tummy to back. He's content to just hang out for tummy time though and look at whoever's feet are closest. He also reaches and reaches for things. He's fascinated by cups and glasses and definitely knows what to do whenever one is near his mouth. He tries to grab food and silverware from out of our hands. We actually decided to let him try some rice cereal! It was definitely more liquid than cereal, but he liked it and ate it all up. Pictures below.
Now that's all for month 4. I'm looking forward to month 5 and hoping Henry gets used to this humid heat here. For now, he'll be sleeping in his tiny bedroom (closet floor) in our 1 bedroom 3rd floor walk up in Brooklyn, NY. Cheers!
I FORGOT! Henry also started grabbing his feet. All the time. He grabs them, pulls off his socks, sucks on his toes, and it is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I shouldn't deny you pictures of that.
ps. In case you're worried about poor H's gums, we got tiny baby spoons today. So he doesn't have to eat off giant sharp metal ones.
I completely love that baby. He is adorable! Makes me miss my babies! As my dad says, the days might go slow, but the years go fast. Love you!