
Day 3: Trek to NYC: Chicago

Chicago is the city of Joshua's birth. He's never been there before. It just so happened, that our hotel in Davenport was maybe 3 hours out of Chicago, and we didn't get outta town until 8 that morning. So, we decided we had to hit up Josh's homeland and see Wrigley field so we could cross that off the bucket list.

About 30 minutes before me arrived Henry started letting us know he was hungry. By the time we got to Wrigley, he wasn't very happy. I pumped so we could get food into him as fast as possible to shorten the crying time. Unfortunately, Henry also had a masterful blow out down the right side of his leg, in his car seat. Josh walked around feeding Henry (yes you read that right) because there wasn't any where to sit with him without getting mess everywhere. It was a wonderfully memorable experience, changing Henry's diaper in the parking lot of Wrigley field. Then we got these pictures so it was all worth it.

Sooo...I'm not sure the neighborhoods surrounding Wrigley field count as "Chicago", but we reeeeeally loved it there. The streets were clean, the people were nice, and the weather was gorgeous. I want to go to there for forever. We really got to see the streets all nice and such on our drive to Gino's East. Gino's East is Terri and Randy (Josh's parents) favorite pizzeria from the days when they lived in Chicago. In fact, Josh had actually eaten the pizza before because you have buy it frozen and his parents have done that before on very special occasions. SO we went there, me with not very high expectations because the pizza sauce is on top (weird) and it's deep dish (yuck) and the crust is not normal (double weird). Let me tell you now.

It is so good.
I can't stop thinking about the gooey cheesiness.
Yum I would go back tomorrow if there were a Gino's East within a day drive.

So, that's that. It was delish. Also funny because there were 3 families in the restaurant (including us), and three of us had babies around the 4-6 month range. Pretty unique.


  1. it totally counts! the cleanness is what i looooove about Chicago. and the pizza. ohmygoodness. there is a place in south jordan that has semi-chicagoey pizza, but it's just not the same.

    and i'm really sorry you had to endure nebraska.

  2. I'm still not convinced about the sauce on top.
